Monday 10 January 2011


There was an interesting article in the Telegraph last week, about the increased risk of developing asthma in babies who were given antibiotics in the first 6 months of life. Britain has one of the highest rates of child and teenage asthma in the world, and this has partly been put down to early use of antibiotics.
Antibiotics are essential in treating serious, acute infections, but they appear to be administered unnecessarily in many cases.
There are some wonderful natural remedies to help build up the immune system, which are effective and gentle on the body: we are, for example, prescribing homeopathic remedies to help some of our patients overcome the effects of the present flu epidemic.

Saturday 8 January 2011


The festivities are over, we’re back to everyday life, so how were the celebrations? There seems to be a mini flu epidemic at present with warnings of more to come: today’s headlines: “GPs are running out of vaccine”. Homeopathy is a wonderful, natural way of boosting the immune system.
First the snow and the freezing weather; now the rain bringing dampness to our homes. Together with the warmth from heating, we are providing an ideal environment for mould growth, which can cause severe breathing difficulties: desensitising homeopathic remedies can often provide an effective remedy.
Over-indulged over Xmas? Digestive problems often follow with acid retention, heartburn, bloating etc. Homeopathy can gently restore the balance in the gut.  So maybe its a good time for an MOT and get the new year under way with a positive mind and healthy body.

Do send us a feedback, and maybe put forward suggestions to improve the site/blog.

Have a great new year, Helle.