Tuesday 26 July 2011

Are you allergic to your animals?

I would like to explain to you all how allergies to animals can cause major health problems such as asthma, eccema, hayfever , sinus problems  and more.
This can be very debilitating but there is a lot of help to offer without having to part with your animal.
In my practice I have dealt with this very successfully .
I always check out the patients  general health in case any underlying problems followed by specific allergy testing eg food but also external allergies to animals etc..
If allergies to pollen, dustmite, animals etc. I use a special homeopathic treatment to make them tolerate these substances and with time possible got them desensitised.
below are 2 case studies as an example:

1.  A 56 year old female consulted me for asthma.She would usually be permitted to hospital 3-4 times a year even though taking usual inhalers etc..
At the time her bronchi (the bottom part of the lungs) showed up as a problem area.
Food intolerances was minimal only oranges!
Her main problem was allergies to cats!! She was told NOT to have them in her bedroom but she declined that possibility as the cats slept on her pillow!!!!
I then treated her with something called an S/I card ( Storage information ) which  I impregnated  with a couple
of homeopathic remedies as well as the very important hair from Her cats !!! She then wore the card 1 hour 2 times a day.Within a week no problems. This lady continued to renew her cats hair treatment every 6 weeks.
She contacted me about 2 months ago and told me all was well and not been to hospital once since she saw me 3 years ago!!!!

2) A 4 year old girl complaining about catarrh, rhinitis (runny eyes) repeatedly sore throats throughout the year came to see me.
She was found to be allergic to cats , dogs horses, mould , dustmite, different pollens/ grasses ,and dairy products.
The treatment prescribed was to desensitise her to all the external allergies (done by S/I card) as well as change the dairy products with alternatives.
This girl improved very quickly and her quality of sleep got much better as she did not struggle with her breathing due to congestion.
Even the teachers at school noticed the difference without bbeing told about her treatment !

I could write books of examples but this is just a few  to make people realise why they should not put up with all this if they can do something about it!!
Even better no drowsinezz etc. such as when taking antihistamines.

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